
Saints whose name begins with the letter T

When our Divine Lord saw the little children gathered about Him, brought there by their mothers, He said: “Suffer the little children to come to Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And He embraced them and blessed them. But how much more lovingly will He look down upon children from the heights of heaven if like out “little saint” they distinguish themselves by piety and virtue!

We may be sure that God often spares an entire household because of one innocent child, and that its prayer accomplishes more than that of all the other members. And granting that the child develops in grace and virtue along with its growth in years, how pleasing to God must such a virtuous young man or devout young woman be!

The cynical world says: “Youth will be served,” and under this plea it would have us condone all the vices of the young. But the holy youths Aloysius and Stanislaus, as well as our Thomas, together with Saints Agnes, Elizabeth, and numerous others, prove by their brilliant virtues that this attitude is false. One should rather say: “Virtue’s truth rhymes with youth.” Or, are people to dedicate the flower of life to the world and to vice, and then, when the flower has withered away, consecrate the leavings to God? If you would like to enjoy a happy youth, then remain close to God. He it is “who gives joy to my youth” (Ps. 42,4).

Consider to what extent our temporal and eternal welfare depends upon the practice of virtue during the time of youth. The proverb says: “What you have learnt to do in your youth, you will naturally do when you are old,” and the Holy Spirit confirms this with the statement: “A young man according to his way, even when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22,6). This can be applied to good habits as well as to evil ones. He who in his youth is not concerned about overcoming lesser faults, will by and by commit greater ones and will easily perish. But if we learn in our youth to deny ourselves, as Blessed Thomas did, to sacrifice our wishes – even good ones – and to bear poverty and want with patience, then we shall have the necessary strength to brave the storms of life, and we shall be prepared to endure cheerfully all labor and sacrifice for the good of our neighbor and the honor of God. With how much greater pleasure can such a person look back on his youthful years, than he who served only the world and sensual pleasures.

Marion A. Habig, OFM

The lives of the saints!

Blessed Theodoric Coelde

Saint Theodorus

Saint Theodotus

Saint Theophilus of Corte

Saint Thomas More

Saint Thomas of Cori

Blessed Thomas of Florence

Blessed Thomas of Tolentino and Companions

Blessed Timothy of Montecchio

Blessed Torello of Poppi

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