Saints whose name begins with the letters K
Consider how St. Frances Xavier Cabrini understood how one must serve God. Much of the time that she would have liked to spend in prayer, she used in the service of others because they needed her help and direction and advice. That is what is called by St Francis de Sales, “leaving God for God's sake.” Apparently one neglects something in the service of God, but in reality one serves Him the better by the practice of charity towards one's neighbor. Thomas a Kempis (1:15) also says: "For the benefit of one that is in need, a good work is sometimes freely to be left undone, or rather to be changed for what is better."
Consider that Christ Our Lord Himself teaches us that certain laws permit of exceptions in special cases. He healed a sick person on the Sabbath, and permitted His hungry disciples to pluck ears of corn although the Pharisees accused Him on that account of violating the Sabbath. Thus our holy Father St Francis also urged a weak brother to eat out of time on a fast day, and himself ate with him to encourage him. So there may arise instances where the commandment to refrain from servile work, at attend holy Mass, to fast, and so forth, does not obligate us, yes, where the need of the neighbor or our own may demand that we refrain from observing the commandment, especially if our superiors or our confessor do direct us. In such cases it would be pharisaical justice, and often perverse self-will, to persist in carrying it out.
Consider that it is indeed not permitted for any person's sake to do evil or omit an obligatory good act from which we are not excused. But the good deeds and pious exercises which we perform of our own accord, we can at times with merit neglect or put off for the sake of others, especially is complying with them would be burdensome or annoying to others. Thus the Apostle says: "To the weak I become weak that I might gain the weak. I become all things to all men that I might save all" (1 Cor 9:22).
Marion A. Habig, OFM
The lives of the saints!
Saint Kinga
Pelayo's resistance initiated the nearly 800-year-long Reconquista to take back his country from the ruthless invader who had conquered his homeland and sought to erase his culture and his faith. His actions would lay the foundations of a Kingdom for Christ that would eventually reach around the world and spread the Catholic faith to millions of souls. Read more...
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