July Franciscan Calendar

July – Month of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

1. Servant of God Philomene Jane Genovese, Virgin, Third Order, d. 1919
2. Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady
3. Bl. Marie Anne Fontcuberta, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1886
4. 40 Martyrs of China, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order and Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1900

5. Bl. Ignace Falzon, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1865
6. St. Maria Goretti, Virgin Martyr, Cordbearer, d. 1902
7. Bl. Oddino Barrotti, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1400

8. St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1336

9. St. Veronica Giuliani, Virgin, Capuchin religious, d. 1727

10. 8 Martyrs religious of the Franciscan 1st Order of Damas, d. 1860
11. 11 Martyrs religious of the Franciscan 1st Order of Holland, d. 1572

12. Sts. Geoffrey and Joachim, Priests, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyrs 1679

13. St. Francis Solano, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1610

14. St. Bonaventure, Bishop, Doctor of the Church, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1274

15. Bl. Bernard of Baden, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1458

16. Our Lady of Mount Carmel; St. Marie-Madeleine Postel, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1846
17. Bl. Pierre De Foligno, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1614
18. St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1614
19. St. Vincent de Paul, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1660
20. St. Jerome Emilien, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1537
21. St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest, Capuchin religious, Doctor of the Church, d. 1619

22. Bl. Angelina of Marciano, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1435

23. Bl. Louise of Savoy, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1503

24. Bl. Modestin de Jesus-Marie, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1864
25. Bl. Antoine Lucci, Bishop, Conventual religious, d. 1752
26. St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
27. Bl. Mary Magdalene Martinengo, Virgin, Capuchin, d. 1737

28. Bl. Marie-Therese of the Infant Jesus, Virgin, Capuchin, martyr 1941
29. Bl. Alphonse de l’Immaculee, virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1946
30. St. Leopold de Castelnovo, Priest, Capuchin religious, d. 1942
31. St. Ignace de Loyola, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1556

G. K. Chesterton's classic study of St. Francis.  

"St. Francis was above all things a great giver; and he cared chiefly for the best kind of giving which is called thanksgiving. . . . He knew that the praise of God stands on its strongest ground when it stands on nothing. He knew that we can best measure the towering miracle of the mere fact of existence if we realize that but for some strange mercy we should not even exist. . . . From him came a whole awakening of the world and a dawn in which all shapes and colors could be seen anew."  --G. K. Chesterton

Secular Franciscans and their spiritual assistants will appreciate this little booklet—an English translation of the approved Latin text of the Ritual for the Secular Franciscan Order. The Preface provides background on the history and purpose of the Ritual and helpful guidelines for its use. Part 1 contains the rites for celebrating the various stages of admission to the Secular Franciscan Order. Part 2 contains prayers for use at the various meetings of Secular Franciscan fraternities. An Appendix includes appropriate Scripture readings, Franciscan readings and prayers of St. Francis.

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