Traditional Franciscan Calendar

Please use the Franciscan Calendar navigation bar to the left to see the stories of the Franciscan saints on their feast day.

January—Month of the Holy Name of Jesus and His Holy Childhood

1. Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord—Holy Day of Obligation; Plenary Indulgence possible (Chant in public Veni Creator)
2. Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
3. Bl. Chriatiane Menaburi, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1310
4. Bl. Angele de Foligno, widow, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1310
5. Bl. Pierre Bonilli, priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1935
6. Feast of the Epiphany—Holy Day of Obligation
7. St. Charles de Sezza, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1670
8. Bl. Roger de Toddi, priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1237
9. Bl. Gilles de Lorenzana, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1518
10. Bl. Gregory X, Pope, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1276
11. St. Thomas de Cori, priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1729
12. St. Bernard of Corleone, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1667
13. Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ
14. Bl. Oderic de Pordenone, priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1331
15. Bl. Jacques del Piebe, priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, martyr d. 1304
16. Sts. Berard and Companions, Protomartyrs of the Order, d. 1220
17. Sl. Matthieu d’Argrigente, Bishop, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1451
18. Bl. Jeanne of Saint Mary, virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1360
19. Bl. Marcel Spinola y Maestre, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1906
20. Bl. Jean-Baptiste Triquerie, priest, conventual religious, martyr d. 1794
21. Bl. Joseph Nascimbeni, priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1922
22. St. Vincent Pallotti, priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1850
23. Feast of the Marriage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
24. Bl. Paule Gamgara Costa, widow, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1515
25. Bl. Emmanuel Dominguo y Sol, priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1909
26. Bl. Georges Matulwicz, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1927
27. St. Angela Merici, virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1540
28. Bl. Bienvenu de Recanati, priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1289
29. St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor of the Church, Cordbearer, d. 1622
30. St. Hyacintha of Mariscotti, virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1640
31. St. John Bosco, priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1888

February-Month of the Holy Family

1. Bl. Patrick O’Loughran, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr d. 1612
2. Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
3. Martyrs of Japan, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, lay brothers and Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1597
4. St. Joseph de Leonisse, Priest, Capuchin religious, d. 1612
5. St. Jeanne de Valois, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1505
6. Bl. Pius IX, Pope, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d.1878
7. St. Egide-Marie de St. Joseph, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order d. 1812
8. Bl. Antonie de Stroncone, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1461
9. Bl. Claire de Rimini, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1346
10. Bl. Alojzije Stepinac, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1960
11. Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes, 1858
12. Bl. Andre Ferrari, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1921
13. St. Eustochie de Messine, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1485
14. Bl. Philipa Mauri, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1263
15. Translation of the relics of St. Anthony
16. Bl. Veridiane, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1242
17. Bl. Luc Belludi, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1286
18. St. Bernadette Soubirous, Virgin, cordbearer, d. 1879 Plenary Indulgence possible for the Cordbearers only
19. St. Conrad de Plaisance, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1351
20. Bl. Pierre de Treja, Priest religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1304
21. St. Margaret of Cortona, penitent, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1297, Plenary Indulgence possible (renewal of engagements of the Franciscan Third Order Secular)
22. Feast of the Chair of St. Peter
23. Bl. Isabelle of France, Virgin of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1270
24. Bl. Innocent XI, Pope, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1689
25. Bl. Sebastien d’Apparicio, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1600
26. Bl. Antoinette de Florence, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1533
27. Bl. Louise Albertoni, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1533
28. Bl. Jeremie de Valachie, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1625

March – Month of St. Joseph

1. Bl. Jean Kearney, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1653
2. St. Agnes de Prague, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1282
3. Bl. Innocent de Berzo, Priest, Capuchin, d. 1890
4. Bl. Martyrs of the Franciscan 1st Order of Gondar (Ethiopia), d. 1716
5. St. Jean-Joseph de la Croix, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1734
6. St. Colette of Corbie, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1447
7. Bl. Christophe de Milan, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1485
8. St. Jean de Dieu, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1550
9. St. Frances of Rome, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1440
10. St. Catherine of Bologne, Virgin of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1463
11. Bl. Jean-Baptise de Fabriano, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1539
12. Bl. Louis Orione, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1940
13. Bl. Agnello de Pise, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1236
14. St. Catherine de Genes, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1510
15. Bl. Louis de Casoria, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1885
16. Bl. Torello de Poppi, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1282
17. Bl. Marc de Montegallo, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1496
18. St. Salvator de’Horta, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1567
19. Saint Joseph, Holy Day of Obligation for the Church
20. Bl. Hippolyte Galentini, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1620
21. Bl Amedee IX de Savoie, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1472
22. St. Beinvenu d’Osimo, Bishop, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1282
23. Bl. Jeremie Lambertenghi, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1513
24. Bl. Catherine de Suede, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1381
25. Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Day of Obligation for the Church
26. Blessed Didacus Joseph of Cadiz, Priest, Capuchin, d. 1801
27. Bl. Joseph-Sebastien Pelczar, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1924
28. St. Jean de Capistran, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1456
29. Bl. Jeanne-Marie de Maille, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1414
30. St. Pierre Regalat, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1486
31. St. Leonard Murialdo, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1900

Holy Thursday – Plenary Indulgence: Chant in Public Tantum ergo Good Friday – Plenary Indulgence: Solemn adoration of the Holy Cross Easter – Plenary Indulgence: Renewal in public of Baptismal Promises

April – Month of the Holy Face and the Redemption

1. Bl. Elisabeth Vendramini, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1860
2. St. Francois de Paule, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d/ 1507
3. St. Benoit le Maure, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1589
4. Bl. Guillaume de Sicli, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1404
5. St. Marie-Crescence, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1744
6. Bl. Angele Salawa, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1922
7. Bl. Maria-Assunta, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1925
8. Bl. Julien de St. Augustin, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1606
9. Bl. Thomas de Tolentino, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1321
10. Bl. Marc de Bologne, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1479
11. Bl. Ange De Chivasso, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1495
12. Bl. Boniface Zukowski, Priest, Conventual Religious, martyr 1942
13. Bl. Isabelle Rovira, Virgin, Capuchin religious, martyr, 1937
14. Bl. Lidwyne de Schiedam, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1433
15. Bl. Gandolphe de Binasco, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1260
16. St. Benedict-Joseph Labore, Confessor, Cordbearer, d. 1783 Plenary Indulgence for Cordbearers. Anniversary of the profession of St. Francis (1209)
17. Bl. Paul de St. Madeleine, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1643
18. Bl. Andre Hibernon, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1734
19. Bl. Conrad e Ascoli, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1289
20. Bl. Anastase Pankewicz, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1942
21. Bl. Francois de Fabriano, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1322
22. St. Conrad de Parzham, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1894
23. Bl. Gilles of Assisi, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1262
24. St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest, Capuchin, martyr 1622
25. St. Marc, Grandes Rogations
26. Bl. Pierre De Pethancourt, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1667
27. St. Zita de Lucques, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1278
28. St. Paul of the Cross, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1775; Bl. Luchesius, 1st Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1260 Plenary Indulgence for Franciscan Third Order Seculars (renewal of Tertiary Engagements)
29. Bl. Benoit d’Urbin, Priest, Capuchin, d. 1625
30. St. Joseph-Benoit Cottolengo, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1842

May – Month of the Holy Virgin Mary

1. Feast of Saint Joseph the Artisan
2. St. Richard Pampuri, Confessor, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1930
3. Bl. Edouard-Joseph Rosas, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1903
4. Bl. Ladislas de Gielnow, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1505
5. Bl. Beinvenu Mareni, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1289
6. Bl. Marie-Catherine Troijani, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1897
7. Bl. Anne-Rose Gattorno, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1900
8. Feast of Mary Mediatrix of all Graces
9. Bl. Antoine Bajewski, Priest, Conventual religious, martyr 1941
10. Bl. Marie-Bernard Butler, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1924
11. St. Gemme de Sulmona, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1439
12. St Ignatius of Laconi, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1781
13. St. Michel Garicoitz, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1863
14. St. Marie-Dominique Mazzarello, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1881
15. St. Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1719
16. St. Theophile de Corte, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1740
17. St. Paschal of Baylon, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1592
18. St. Felix of Cantalice, lay brother, Capuchin religious, 1587
19. St. Yves, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1303
20. St. Bernardin de Sienne, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1444
21. St. Crispin de Viterbe, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1750
22. St. Joaquina Vedruna, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1854
23. Bl. Gerard de Villamagna, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1242
24. Bl. Jean de Prado, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1631
25. Dedication of the Basilica in Assisi, 1253
26. St. Philippe Neri, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1595; memorial of St. Marie-Anne Parades, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1645
27. Bl. Gerard de Lunel, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1270
28. St. Jean-Baptiste Rossi, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1764
29. Bl. Etienne et Raymond, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1242
30. St. Joan of Arc, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1431, King Saint Fernando III, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1252
31. Feast of the Queenship of Mary, Public Consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Novena in preparation of the feast of Pentecost Pentecost - Plenary Indulgence – Chant in public the Veni Creator Sacred Heart – Plenary Indulgence - Public recitation of the Act of Reparation

June – Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

1. Bl. Felix de Nicosie, lay brother, Capuchin religious. d/ 1787
2. Bl. Jean Pelingotto, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1304
3. Bl. Andre de Spello, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1254
4. St. Francois caracciolo, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1608
5. Bl Pacifique de Cerano, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1482
6. Bl. Laurent de Villamagna, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1535
7. Bl. Himiliane Cerchi, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1246
8. Bl. Nicolas de Gesturi, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1958
9. Bl. Innocent Guz, Priest, Conventual religious, martyr 1940
10. Bl. Edouard Poppe, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1924
11. Bl. Yolanda of Hungary, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1298
12. Bl. Floride Cevoli, Virgin, Capuchin religious, d. 1767
13. St. Anthony of Padua, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1231 Plenary Indulgence for cordbearers
14. Bl. Zephirin Jimenez, Martyr, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1936
15. St. Vincente Gerosa, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1847
16. Bl. Marie-Therese Scherer, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1888
17. Bl. Pierre Gambacorta, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1435
18. Bl. Guy de Cortone, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1250
19. Bl. Achille Puchata, Priest, Conventual religious, martyr 1943
20. Bl. Micheline de Pesaro, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1356
21. Bl. Herman Stapien, Priest, Conventual religious, martyr 1943
22. St. Thomas More, Martyr, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1943
23. St. Joseph Cafasso, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1860
24. Nativity of St. John the Baptist
25. Bl. Bienvenu de Gubbio, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1232
26. Bl. Frederic Janssone, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1916
27. Bl. Marguerite Baeys, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1879
28. St. Barthelemie Capitanio, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1833
29. Sts. Peter and Paul, Holy Day of Obligation, Plenary Indulgence
30. Bl. Raymond Lulle, Martyr, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1315

July – Month of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

1. Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
2. Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady
3. Bl. Marie Anne Fontcuberta, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1886
4. 40 Martyrs of China, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order and Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1900
5. Bl. Ignace Falzon, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1865
6. St. Maria Goretti, Virgin Martyr, Cordbearer, d. 1902
7. Bl. Oddin Barotto, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1400
8. St. Elisabeth of Portugal, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1336
9. St. Veronica Giuliani, Virgin, Capuchin religious, d. 1727
10. 8 Martyrs religious of the Franciscan 1st Order of Damas, d. 1860
11. 11 Martyrs religious of the Franciscan 1st Order of Holland, d. 1572
12. Sts. Geoffroy and Joachim, Priests, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyrs 1679
13. St. Francis Solano, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1610
14. St. Bonaventure, Bishop, Doctor of the Church, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1274
15. Bl. Bernard de Bade, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1458
16. Our Lady of Mount Carmel; St. Marie-Madeleine Postel, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1846
17. Bl. Pierre De Foligno, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1614
18. St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1614
19. St. Vincent de Paul, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1660
20. St. Jerome Emilien, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1537
21. St. Laurent de Brindes, Priest, Capuchin religious, Doctor of the Church, d. 1619
22. Bl. Angeline of Marciano, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1435
23. Bl. Louise de Savoie, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1503
24. Bl. Modestin de Jesus-Marie, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1864
25. Bl. Antoine Lucci, Bishop, Conventual religious, d. 1752
26. St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
27. Bl. Marie-Madeleine Martinengo, Virgin, Capuchin, d. 1737
28. Bl. Marie-Therese of the Infant Jesus, Virgin, Capuchin, martyr 1941
29. Bl. Alphonse de l’Immaculee, virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1946
30. St. Leopold de Castelnovo, Priest, Capuchin religious, d. 1942
31. St. Ignace de Loyola, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1556

August – Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

1. St. Alphonse de Liguori, Bishop, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1787
2. Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula, Plenary Indulgence possible by visiting a church or chapel of the Franciscan 1st Order
3. St. Pierre-Julien Eymard, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1868
4. St. Dominic, Priest, Cordbearer, d. 1221
5. B. Marie-Francoise de Jesus, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1904
6. Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
7. Bl. Agathange et Cassien, Priest, Capuchin, martyr 1638
8. St. Jean-Marie Vianney, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1859
9. Bl. Marie-Marguerite of the Sacred Heart, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1924
10. St. Beatrice de Silva, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1492
11. Bl. Innocent XI, Pope, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1689
12. St. Clare of Assisi, Virgin, Foundress of the Poor Clares, Plenary Indulgence for Tertiaries (Renewal of Engagements)
13. Bl. Novellon de Faenza, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1280
14. St. Maximilien-Marie Kolbe, Priest, Conventual religious, martyr 1941
15. Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady
16. Bl. Francois de Pesaro, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1350
17. St. Roch de Montpellier, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1327
18. Blessed Martyrs of Pontons de Rochefort, d. 1794
19. St. Jean Eudes, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1680
20. St. Louis d’ Anjou, Bishop of Toulouse, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1297
21. St. Jeanne-Francoise de Chantal, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1610
22. Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
23. Bl. Bernard d’Offide, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1694
24. St. Emilie de Vialar, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1856
25. St. Louis, Patron of Franciscan Third Order Seculars, Plenary Indulgence for tertiaries and cordbearers
26. Bl. Pierre de Benisa, Priest, Capuchin religious, martyr 1936
27. St. Joseph Calasanz, Priest, Cordbearer, d. 1648
28. Bl. Junipero Serra, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1784
29. Bl. Jean de Perouse, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1231
30. Bl. Juvenal Ancina, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1604
31. Bl. Aurele de Vinalesa, Priest, Capuchin religious, martyr 1936

September – Month of the Holy Cross

1. Bl Joachim de Albocacer, Priest, Capuchin religious, martyr 1936
2. Bl. Martyrs de Carmes, d. 1792
3. St. Pius X, Pope, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1914
4. St. Rose of Viterbo, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1252 Plenary Indulgence for cordbearers
5. Bl. Gentil de Matelica, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1340
6. Bl Liberat de Laure, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1258
7. Bl. Eugenie Picco, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1921
8. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9. Bl. Seraphique Sforza, Virgin, of the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1478
10. Bl. Martyrs of Japan, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order and Franciscan Third Order Seculars, d. 1622-1632
11. Bl. Bonaventure de Barcelone, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1684
12. Feast of the Name of Holy Mary
13. Bl. Apollinaire Franco, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1622
14. Exaltation of the Holy Cross
15. Feast of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows
16. Bl. Roland de Medicis, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1386
17. Feast of the Stigmatization of St. Francis of Assisi
18. St. Joseph de Cupertino, Priest, Conventual, d. 1664
19. Bl. Louis Alleman, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1450
20. St. Francois-Marie de Camporosso, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1866
21. Bl. Elizabeth Amerina, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1498
22. Bl. Ignace de Santhia, Priest, Capuchin religious, d. 1773
23. St. Pio of Peitrelcina, Priest, Capuchin religious, d. 1968
24. St. Pacifique de San Severino, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1721
25. St. Nicholas de Flue, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1487
26. Bl. Lucie de Catalagirone, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1400
27. St. Elzear de Sabran, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1323
28. Bl Bernadin de Feltre, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1494
29. Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel
30. Bl. Charles de Blois, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1364

October – Month of the Holy Rosary and the Holy Angels

1. Bl. Nicolas de Forca, Priest, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1449
2. Bl. Antoine Chevrier, Priest, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1879
3. St. Therese of the Infant Jesus, Patron of France; St. Marie-Joseph Tossello, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1880
4. Solemnity of our Seraphic Father St. Francis, d. 1226, Plenary Indulgence for tertiaries and cordbearers
5. Commemoration of the establishment of the 3 Orders
6. St. Marie-Francoise des Cinq Plaies, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular
7. Feast of the Holy Rosary
8. St. Brigitte de Suede, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1373
9. Bl. Marie-Angele Truszkowska, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1899
10. St. Francois Borgia, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1572; and St. Daniel and Companions, Religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, Martyrs, d. 1227
11. Feast of the Divine Maternity of Our Lady
12. St. Seraphine de Montegranaro, lay brother, Capuchin religious, d. 1604
13. Bl. Pacifique de Valence, lay brother, Capuchin religious, martyr 1936
14. St. Jean de Dukla, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1936
15. Bl. Sebastien de Jesus, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1734
16. Bl. Anicet de Dbrzno, Priest, Capuchin religious, martyr, 1941
17. Bl. Balthazar de Chiavari, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1490
18. Bl. Jacques de Strepa, Bishop, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1409
19. St. Pierre de Alcantara, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1512
20. Bl. Contardo Ferrini, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1902
21. Bl. Martyrs of Polonais, d. 1941-42
22. Bl. Jean-Baptiste Bullaker, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1642
23. St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1870
24. Bl. Josephine Leroux, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, martyr 1794
25. Bl. Maria Veronica Masia Ferragut, Bl. Maria Felicidad Masia Ferragut, and Bl. Jesus Masia Ferragut, Virgins, Capuchin religious, Martyrs 1936
26. Bl. Martyrs of the War of Spain, 1936-37
27. Bl. Bonaventure de Potenza, Priest, Conventual religious, d. 1711
28. Bl. Anne-Eugenie Picco, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1921
29. Bl. Thomas de Florence, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1447
30. Bl. Ange d’Acre, Priest, Capuchin religious, d. 1739
31. Bl. Christophe de Cahors, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1272

November – Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

1. Feast of All Saints – Holy day of Obligation
2. Commemoration of all of the Faithfully Departed – Plenary Indulgence for the holy souls when one visits a church or chapel and recites a Pater and a Credo
3. Bl. Helene Enselmini, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1231
4. St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1584
5. Feast of the Saints Relics
6. Bl. Marguerite de Lorraine, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1521
7. Bl. Raynier d’Arezzo, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1304
8. Bl. Jean Duns Scot, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1308
9. Bl. Gabriel Ferritti, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1456
10. Bl. Louis Guanella, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1915
11. Bl. Marie-Crucifiee, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1745
12. Bl. Jean de la Paix, Confessor, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1340
13. St. Didace d’Alcala, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1463
14. St. Nicolas Tavelic and Companions, Martyrs, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1391
15. Bl. Sebastien de Jesus, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1734
16. St. Agnes of Assisi, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1253
17. Bl. Jeanne de Signa, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1307
18. Bl. Salomee de Cracovie, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1268
19. St. Elizabeth of Hungry, Virgin Patroness of Franciscan Third Order Secular, Plenary Indulgence (renewal of Tertiary engagement), d. 1231
20. Bl. Migagros Ortells, Virgin, Capuchin religious, Martyr 1936
21. Feast of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin Mary
22. Bl. Salvator Lilli, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, martyr 1895
23. Bl. Marie de Jesus Bon Pasteur, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1902
24. Bl. Timothy Trajonowski, lay brother, Conventual religious, martyr 1942
25. Bl. Gumble de Bisignano, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1637
26. St. Leonard de Port-Maurice, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1751
27. St. Francois-Antoine Fasani, Priest, Conventual religious, d. 1742
28. St. Jacques de la Marche, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1476
29. Saints of the Seraphic Order
30. Bl. Antoine Bonfandini, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1482

December – Month of the Incarnation

1. Bl Marie-Angele Astorch, Virgin, Capuchin religious, d. 1665
2. Bl. Raphael Chylinski, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1741
3. St. Francis Xavier, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, Martyr, 1623
4. Bl. Francois Galves, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, Martyr 1623
5. Bl. Pierre de Sienne, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1289
6. Bl. Elisabeth la Bonne, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1420
7. Bl. Louis Beltrame Quattrocchi, Confessor, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1951
8. Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the Seraphic Order, Holy Day of Obligation, Plenary Indulgence for tertiaries and cordbearers
9. Bl. Delphine de Glandeves, Virgin, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1360
10. Bl. Conrad d’Offide, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1306
11. Bl. Hugolin Magalotti, Confessor, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1373
12. Discovery of the tomb of St. Francis 1820
13. Bl. Pius Bartosik, Priest, Conventual religious, Martyr 1941
14. Bl. Barthole Buonpedini, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1300
15. Mary Queen of the Seraphic Order
16. Bl. Honorat de Biala, Priest, Capuchin religious, d. 1916
17. Bl. Francois Bell, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, Martyr 1643
18. Bl. Marie-Francoise Schervier, Virgin, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1876
19. Bl. Jean Discalceat, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1349
20. Bl. Antoine Galvao, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1822
21. St. Raphael Kalinowski, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1907
22. St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, Virgin, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute, d. 1917
23. Bl. Nicolas Factor, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1583
24. Bl. Bentivoglio de Bonio, Priest, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1231
25. Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Day of Obligation
26. St. Albert Chmielowski, Confessor, religious of the Third-Order Regular [living in community, under a Rule], d. 1916
27. Bl. Mathie de Nazareis, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1320
28. Feast of the Holy Innocents
29. Bl Gerard de Valence, lay brother, religious of the Franciscan 1st Order, d. 1342
30. Bl. Marguerite Colonna, Virgin, the Franciscan 2nd-Order; a "Poor Clare" sister, d. 1280
31. St. Gaspard Buffalo, Priest, Franciscan Third Order Secular, d. 1836; Plenary Indulgence (Chant the Te Deum in public)

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